Because inspiration is the ultimate gift.

Whether inspiration originates in vibration itself or in the unique nature of the singular guitar, the fact remains that as a luthier I strive to create powerfully inspirational tools for creation.

Everything I have ever learned goes into crafting each one of these hand built instruments.  Like children, they are born of love, to be loved and spread love.  Each one is unique — perfect in its imperfection — a prayer, in service and celebration of nature. When working, it is my practice to remain playful and creative as well as intentional and exacting.  My hope is that you fall in love and together create vibration that rocks human consciousness.

Lutherie is the study of nature — the nature of material,  the nature of sound and the nature of perception.   Trees are sentient. They respond to our intention. Each piece of timber brings a unique experience to our work as luthiers.   Once a guitar is built, nature is still at play.  As a luthier I hope that nature and player, over time, transforms the instrument into something more than I could make on my own. The source of nature is creation. I strive to work with it rather than impose control over it.

My work is decidedly contemporary. I dream of what the guitar could be, and how to facilitate more of what I love about the essence of guitar.